Workout of the Day! (WOD) – 4/22/20

Stations 30 Seconds Each Move; Each Block 2 times Through; 30 Seconds between rounds

Jog (or March)
Jumping Jacks
1-2-3 Heisman
Soccer Taps

30 seconds

Lower Body
Side Lunge to Squat
Sprinters Lunge L
Sprinters Lunge R
Poloquin Squats

30 seconds

Superman Push Ups
Elevated Cross Crunches
Tricep Dips (Chair, Table, Box, etc)
Eagle Crunches

30 seconds

High Knees
Butt Kicks
Mummy Kicks
Jump Ropes

30 seconds

Plank Series:
Plank Rocks
Side Plank Hip Dips (L: Round 1, R:L Round 2)
Plank Punch or Tap Out
Side Plank Hold (L: Round 1, R: Round 2)

30 seconds

Glute Bridge Hold
Clamshell (L: Round 1, R: Round 2)
Oblique V-Up

30 seconds

Jump Squat 180s or Jump Squat or Squat
Fast Feet Shuffle
Diagonal Hops
Hamstring Curl with Arm Chest Cross

30 Seconds

Last Round:
Curtsy Lunge to Side Kick (Round 1: Left/Round 2: Right)
Pike Press
Knee Repeaters from Runners Lunge (Round 1: Left/Round 2: Right)
Donkey Kicks (Round 1: Left/ Round 2: Right

Cool Down & Stretch