30 Minute Boot Camp
Warm up –
30 seconds Each; 2 times through:
Jumping Jacks (Modified – Step outs or chair jacks)
Inchworms (Maybe add a push up)
Runners Lunge – Hands to the inside of the Front Foot (15 seconds hold Left, 15 seconds hold Right)
Mountain Climbers
1 minute Rest
6 moves – 1 minute Each; 3 times through with a 1 minute rest in between each round:
Stationary Lunge Left
Stationary Lunge Right
Squat Thrust or Burpee (Modification: From standing, step out to plank, step in to stand up)
Forearm Plank Reach-out (Alternating Tap Hand in Front of You; can be done from your knees)
Frogger (Plank to Low Squat – Modification, step one foot forward, then the other and back to plank alternating lead leg)
Hollow Hold to Tuck-up (From extended hollow hold, come up and grab your lower legs (think “Rolling like a ball†position))
1 minute Rest
Cool Down & Stretch (4 minutes)