EMOM (Every Minute on the Minute)
Perform the # of reps indicated for each exercise up to 1 minute, if you finish in less than 60 minutes, Rest. If you have not completed the # indicated, move on to the next exercise.
(Warm Up on Own – Always best to go into a workout ready)
EMOM (3 Times Through):
50 Jump Ropes
20 Side Lunge to Squat (10 to each side Alternating – keep knee behind your toes)
20 Push Ups (Any variation)
15 V-Ups (Modification – 1 Leg, Further Modification1 Legged & keep leg bent)
10 Jump Squats (Knees behind your toes, land softly – Modification: Deep Squats w/o the Jump)
20 Pistol Squats (or other 1 legged squat variation – 10 to each side)
20 Tricep Dips (From Table Top or Reverse Plank position)
40 Bicycles (20 to each side)
10 Burpees (any Burpee variation)
Cool Down & Stretch on Own (critical step to any workout so you can come back ready to go tomorrow !)