Workout of the Day! (WOD) – 3/30/20

30s on the 30th – Personal Best Style!

You can break up the exercises into smaller sets and do them in any order

30 Rear Lunges to Forward Kick (Both Sides – Alternating or not)
30 Crunches
30 Step Out Squats
30-Second Plank
30 Jumping Jacks
30 Alternating Shoulder Taps
30 Curtsy (Crossover) Lunges
30 Push Ups
30 Alternating High Knees
30 Alternating Bicycles (Both Sides = 1)
30-Second Wall Sit
30 Diamond Push Ups
30 Alternating Soccer Taps
30 Glute Bridge Squeezes
30-Second Bear Hover
30 Plank to Downward Dog
30 seconds Fast Feet Shuffle
30 Mason/Russian Twists
30 Squat Jacks
30 Reverse Crunches