Workout of the Day! (WOD) – 3/29/20

ADD-ON Accumulator (30 seconds / 10 seconds between each exercise)

1-2-3 Heismans (:40)
1-2-3 Heismans, Low Sumo Squat with Oblique Crunch with Hands clasped behind head (1:20)
1-2-3 Heismans, Stay in Low Sumo and Oblique Crunch with Hands clasped behind head, Sumo Squats R Heel Raised (2:00)
1-2-3 Heismans, Stay in Low Sumo and Oblique Crunch with Hands clasped behind head, Sumo Squats L Heel Raised, Ski Hops (2:40)

30 Seconds rest

Ski Hops, Sumo Squat R Heel Raised, 3 Punches with 2 Knees, 1-2-3 Heisman (2:40)
Ski Hops, Sumo Squat L Heel Raised, 3 Punches with 2 Knees (2:00)
Ski Hops, 3 Punches with 2 Knees Squat Jumps (1:20)
Ski Hops (:40)

60 Seconds Rest

Crab Toe Touch or Crab Switch Kicks
Crab Toe Touch or Crab Switch Kicks, Alternating Jack Knife
Crab Toe Touch or Crab Switch Kicks, Alternating Jack Knife, Wide Arm Push Ups
Crab Toe Touch or Crab Switch Kicks, Alternating Jack Knife, Wide Arm Push Ups, Jumping Jacks

30 Seconds Rest

Jumping Jacks, Wide Arm Push Ups, Bicycles, Forearm Plank Rainbow hip dips
Jumping Jacks, Wide Arm Push Ups, Bicycles
Jumping Jacks, Wide Arm Push Ups
Jumping Jacks

Cool Down / Stretch