Workout of the Day! (WOD) – 4/12/20

Take it OUTSIDE!

Run or Walk ½ mile (or go for 5 minutes)
20 Alternating Shoulder Taps
25 Jump Tucks (Modification: Strong Knee Drives (Both Sides=1))
30 Standing Side Crunch L / 30 Standing Side Crunch R
35 Sumo Squats

Run or Walk ½ mile (or go for 5 minutes)
15 Alternating Shoulder Taps
20 Jump Tucks (Modification: Strong Knee Drives (Both Sides=1))
25 Standing Side Crunch L / 30 Standing Side Crunch R
30 Sumo Squats

Run or Walk ½ mile (or go for 5 minutes)
10 Alternating Shoulder Taps
15 Jump Tucks (Modification: Strong Knee Drives (Both Sides=1))
20 Standing Side Crunch L / 30 Standing Side Crunch R
25 Sumo Squats

Run or Walk ½ mile (or go for 5 minutes)
5 Alternating Shoulder Taps
10 Jump Tucks (Modification: Strong Knee Drives (Both Sides=1))
15 Standing Side Crunch L / 30 Standing Side Crunch R
20 Sumo Squats

Run or Walk ½ mile (or go for 5 minutes)

Cool Down Walk & Stretch