Tabata 1:
Soccer Taps (use Folded Towel)
Circle Runs around a Folded Towel – keep hips squared to front of room – alternate directions with each Tabata
Tabata 2:
Staggered Push Ups L
Towel Pass around Back in Superman – Clockwise
Staggered Push Ups R
Towel Pass – Counterclockwise
Tabata 3:
Forearm Plank Jacks
Mountain Climbers
Tabata 4:
C-sit Sweepbacks
Alt Jack-knifes
Tabata 5:
1-2-3 with Heisman Crunch
Jumping Jacks
Tabata 6:
In and Out Abs
Tabata 7:
In-in-Out-Out (picture an imaginary box or use tape)
3 direction hops
Tabata 8:
Sumo Squats – with R Heel Lift
3 position lunges (Front – Side – Rear) R Leg
Repeat other side